Embellish your floor and wall coverings with finishing mouldings or profiles

Embellish your floor and wall coverings with finishing mouldings or profiles

There are several ways to finish your coverings thanks to accessories like ceramic edges and metal or PVC profiles. How to choose the right ones then?

Ceramic mouldings

Interior ceramic mouldings, also called edges, are used for decoration, finish, in an aesthetic way. You can find them in many different shapes and colors. Some people will like them close to their tiles by choosing a similar color, whereas others will want to create a contrast with a different color.


Some tiles collections offer associated mouldings, they have the exact same color and finish than the tiles. Big or thin, rounded or square, its edges allow to dress up its subway tiles to give them an original look. 


Wood mouldings

Growing in popularity, wood wall coverings are often installed with wood mouldings that are used as a frame. Though not essential,  they give a clearer and less raw look.


These L-shaped edges, available in several colors, are very easy to install. You just need to nest them, then simply stick them.


More discreet and generally in aluminium, profiles are first used to protect tiles from the erosion but since they are available in many colors, they can also have an aesthetic side and fit every interior styles. Copper-colored Schlüter profiles are very trendy! 

releve deco 2017

They also be used as decoration accessories in tiling.

profiles decoration

They are the ideal tool to embellish the ceramic and natural stones installations.

A new range of Schlüter profiles is available. It offers profiles in colors and textures that are similar to current trendy tiles. They make you think of the wood and concrete look with ecru and metal colors, for a very modern result!


Profiles for walls and counters

These types of profiles are used to embellish a wall covering so that we can’t see the ceramic and natural stones tiles’ sides, and to offer a fluid transition between the covering and the wall. This makes the look cleaner, and prevents us from cutting ourselves due to the tiles’ edges.

These profiles are the most common way to finish a wall covering when it doesn’t reach the end of the wall. They are also used at the corners (interior and exterior corners), near plinths and cyma, between two types of coverings, for shower niches, or even for ceramic counters.


Profiles for floors

These profiles have the same aesthetic function to transit between two types of coverings or to finish a tiled surface.

Profiles for stairs have the particularity to have a non-slip and visible surface which makes it easier for everyday life, especially for seniors.

profilés nez de marche escaliers


It is strongly recommended to install profiles or ceramic mouldings in order to make the final result look aesthetically perfect. You can choose to keep a homogeneity by choosing a color close to the tiles or grout. If you are looking for a contrast or an emphasis, you can choose a different color than the one of your wall or floor covering.