5 Renovation Mistakes To Avoid!

5 Renovation Mistakes To Avoid!

5 Renovation Mistakes You Can Avoid

Renovations and remodels can easily be a tough row to hoe. You have so many small decisions to make, even though you don’t always know what you are doing. It’s one trial-anderror after the other. And sometimes, you choose or do the wrong thingwhich is totally normal. But the reality is that renovation mistakes can cause slow downs in your project. So, to save yourself some headaches, we pinpointed 5 common mistakes and how to avoid them. 

1- Miscommunicating Information on Your Project 


Your goal is obviously to bring the project you imagined to life. Your tile layer must be informed of every detail you visualized in your head for your dream bathroom or kitchen—such as the pattern layout (there are 11 to choose from!) or the joint width. Otherwise, get ready for unfortunate surprises…   

Our tip: Make sure your contractor sees your project through your eyes.   

To do so, draw a plan and take your time to really think about what you want with the help of a designer and our advisors in store and using your favourite inspiration photos.  

2- Forgetting to Add Product Waste  


Planning a percentage of product waste is essential. Imagine baking a delicious cake without eggs: that would be a flop…  

These additional tiles will prevent the lack of tiles during the installation, either caused by cutting loss (more often than not, cut pieces cannot be reused), cutting mistakes or breakage (which are unfortunately inevitable). 

Keeping a few extra tiles once the installation is completed is also a great idea for possible long-term repairs (finding tiles from the same lot or collection a few years later is almost impossible).  

The percentage of product waste will depend on the tile size, shape and layout pattern, as well as your room 

At La Tuilerie, you can bring back unused products within 30 days of purchase. However, finding more ceramic tiles from the same lot can be a more challenging situation. 

💡Did you know?  

All tiles are sorted by lot. 

A ceramic lot is the best way to guarantee the tile gauge (size and thickness) and colour (we’re talking about the specific colour for the lot and not the colour you chose in store. Tiles can vary in colour from one lot to the other, even if they’re supposed to be the same shade.) This means all your tiles must come from the same lot for a uniform and aligned installation.  

Our tip! To help you calculate the exact quantity of products you need for your remodeling project:  

3- Overlooking the Importance of Installation Products and Accessories 


Never underestimate the importance of installation products and accessories! 

We know it’s not as exciting as tiles and hardwood floors since we don’t actually “see” those products. You may feel like paying for nothing. 

BUT these accessories are just as essential: membranes for proper sealing, profiles for a beautiful finish, shower niches for a clean space, heated flooring for optimal comfort, etc.  

Think about it 😉 

4- Placing Your Order Last Minute, A Common Renovation Mistake 


Make sure to shop your products a little in advance, as there is a minimum delay to get the right quantities.  

At La Tuilerie, most of our products are stocked in our warehouse or in store, making it easy for us to have your order ready in less than a week. 

5- Not Double Checking Your Order Upon Delivery 


Always double check your order upon delivery.  

Make sure:  

  • You got the right product,  
  • The lot number on all boxes is the same, 
  • And your products are in good shape prior to installation. 

Yay! You’re now ready to officially start your project. And don’t hesitate to ask all the questions you have to one of our advisors in store. Staying well informed and understanding what you get into is key to a successful remodel. 


To learn more, read our other blog articles:  

Choosing your flooring: things to remember
3 Tips to Design your Dream Bathroom 
Choosing your ceramic tiles in 7 steps
How to choose the right kitchen backsplash?